Sunday, March 25, 2007

Nail Bighter

This Sunday's game was a close one. We played Chewbocce, a team composed mainly of people new to the game of bocce. Well, there was a lot of beginner's luck ont he court because they rolled exceptionally well.

We took them out 7-3 in the first game. The second game was a lot closer. It came down to one shot at 6-6, and I, your faithful captain, was not able to clinch it, so we went on to game three. Game three was another tough one as Chewbocce took an early lead at 4-1, then Josh and I came back with a four point game which took it to 5-4. Chewbocce gained a point on us and it was 5-5. We grabbed another and it was 6-5, and then a nail bitghting 6-6. The final shot came down to me again, and I was determinded to make this one count. They had the point with the closer ball and the pallino very close tot he left rail. I sent a risky shot careening towards the pallino, knocking it into the back to give us the point we needed and the win.

Next Sunday is the match against The Electric Company. Let the ground rumble with the anticipation.

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